All-in-one platform with Artificial Intelligence


All-in-one solution: 
From sending the invoice up till collection or legal recovery, all combined in one intelligent platform. 

Artificial Intelligence: 
The platform is based on Artificial Intelligence. By measuring data and payment behaviour the platform knows how to approach your customers the best way with the highest chance of payment.

Communication about invoices and collection can be sent through a variety of channels. Optimized for payment behaviour the best channel will automatically be selected. 

Customer Experience:
Focus on the customer experience during the invoicing and collection cycle. To nudge towards a swift payment and to avoid churn.

Human Services: 
A team of human experts is always at your disposal for all questions. The follow up of invoices can be done by our team if requested. 

Nearly real-time: 
More than one updates a day. Have insights of your cashflow and invoices outstanding anytime. We supply your customers with the latest payment options which are registered directly into the platform. 

  • Boost your cashflow

  • From invoicing to collection and legal recovery

  • ROI by cost efficiënt use of the working capital

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Book a free personal demonstration of our platform. Get to know all it’s advantages and discuss the possibilities

The Risolto Platform

Do you want more information about our services and platform? Do not hesitate to ask us your questions. We will gladly have a personal conversation with you.