A carefree summer with Risolto.

Are you among the first 5 customers who decide to connect Risolto & Exact?

Receive 3 months of Risolto for free!

Enjoy a carefree summer!

Are you among the first 5 customers who decide to connect Risolto & Exact?
Receive 3 months of Risolto for free!

Want to know more about the terms and conditions? Contact us through the form above or by mail: info@risolto.be

Let the accounting team
enjoy their vacation...

In vele ondernemingen worden voorbereidingen getroffen voor de komende zomer. Veel afdelingen genieten van een welverdiend verlof, ook de boekhouding. Hierdoor kan de opvolging van uw onbetaalde facturen mogelijks vertraging oplopen, of zelfs volledig stilvallen. Bij de heropstart na het verlof ontstaat er bovendien een heuse bottleneck waarbij de achterstand onder tijdsdruk weggewerkt wordt.

...Without pausing
your invoices.

Risolto processes the updates from Exact in real time and provides automated follow-up tailored to your customers' needs. Let Risolto take care of your invoice follow-up during the leave of your financial team, and let Risolto support your team after the leave.

Met ongeveer weet u niks.
Met Exact weet u alles.
En met Risolto zet u kennis om in

0 %
Digital communications through Risolto.
0 %
Fewer files to the bailiff.
0 %
Of payments plans
are completed without any
additional follow-up.

Ready for a summer?

Quick start

We ensure a quick link & start-up. Your financial team is guided to a smooth operation.


Made to measure

Templates, tone-of-voice, communication channels and strategy: we provide it tailored to your company.

Full service possible

Risolto also offers a full-service link, where we also take care of outbound calls & other follow-up.

Empower your credit management.

Risolto connects with various software. Where necessary, we provide a custom connection, filling in possible gaps in your credit management. Want to know more, or request a connection? Contact us at info@risolto.be

Risolto also connects with: