Risolto's 10 tips for your unpaid invoices.

Discover our tips for your unpaid invoices.

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Make your invoices as clear as possible.

Make sure your invoice makes it immediately clear what you expect from your customer - what amount, to be paid into what account, with what notice and by what date at the latest. The clearer your invoice, the fewer misunderstandings (and disputes).

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Keep an eye on Lifetime Customer Value.

No two customers are the same - when a customer systematically fails to pay, they are logically addressed in a different way than a good payer who forgot to pay an invoice once. Look at trends, and not snapshots. Moreover, it is very important to intervene in time when your customer systematically fails to pay - often a sign of impending financial doom.

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Make it as easy as possible for your customer to pay.

Both B2B and B2C customers are now used to paying via QR code or payment link. Possibly your billing software used already offers this option? Digital payment convenience is the easiest way to lower the payment threshold.

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Take a close look at your terms and conditions.

They are often - unjustifiably - an afterthought, or drafted quickly: general terms and conditions. Yet they delineate a clear framework for both you and your customer. Consider them as an extra built-in security for unpaid invoices. If your customer does not pay, the rules of the game are immediately clear.

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Maintenez des contacts réguliers et personnels.

Regular, personal contact makes your customer less likely to lose track of you. Along your side, it gives your company more touch points, allowing for easier and friendly reminders.

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Show flexibility to customers who need it.

Proactively suggest payment plans when a customer indicates payment difficulties. This flexibility is certainly appreciated by your customer, but it also has benefits along your side. You are more likely to get the invoice paid (at least partially) this way than without flexibility.

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Make sure you can be reached - through multiple channels.

Often, customers are not averse to dialogue, but experience difficulties getting in touch with the company where they have unpaid invoices. Make sure you can be reached in different ways and try to accommodate any communication attempt from your customer.

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Look critically at your internal follow-up.

Perhaps you are already aware of specific pain points or gaps? It pays to re-evaluate existing processes regularly. Perhaps it is an opportunity to digitise or automate certain things? Or would your team benefit from outsourcing certain procedures? Would you like to go through your follow-up process with our experts? Contact us!

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Make sure there is a short trajectory between punting and follow-up.

Avoid unnecessary communications - ensure the shortest possible path between your account, accounting and follow-up. This way, you ensure that customers who have already paid are not reminded a second (or third) time and save time and effort for your team. 

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Choose an experienced partner.

We are fully aware that some of these tips are not equally feasible for every company - or at least not on their own. For this, choose an experienced partner, who can provide support throughout the entire process.